Saturday, December 25, 2010

Still Goin' Strong

So I've been wanting to post another flash fiction, but I've just been too busy between family and friends and writing my first feature film, which is coming along very nicely. I really wanted to write some kind of crazy Christmas short, but I just recently got sick and don't have the creative drive.

I got an email from Rob today with details on an independent project that I will most likely be re-writing. Sounds like they've been going through a bit of development hell and have done some re-structuring of their production team. I am extremely excited to work on the project, however the story has gone through no less than twelve drafts and sounds like it needs quite a bit of re-structuring and condensing. Though I'm being asked to do re-writes, I would like to honor the narrative of the previous writer and make sure I'm not destroying his work. I'm excited to be a part of this though. I know the DP pretty well, and it sounds like everyone on the team has pretty stellar work ethic. And with our powers combined...

I believe the original producer of the project has just up and disappeared. No one involved with the project has been able to get ahold of her. This is really unnerving. She seemed to be a really good producer. Hopefully all is well.

Saw "True Grit" with a group of good friends, and it was great! Every character was fun to watch, and the dialogue sounded so good it was almost like music. Coen Brothers at their finest.

Anyway, the feature is making amazing headway. Time to watch "Apocalypse Now" for some inspiration!

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